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And How to Re-Write Them So They

UNPOPULAR OPINION: You don’t actually need to believe you’re good enough, worthy or deserve it… in order to manifest. 
- Bad people manifest good things all the time. 
- Good people manifest bad things all the time. 
Our morals don’t dictate what we can manifest. 

The alignment of our thoughts and feelings do. 

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches, “The thought sends the signal out. The feeling draws the experience back to you.” 

 If you think, “I’m worthy of a million dollars.” And your feelings (aka unconscious mind) XXX reject XXX that thought… (aka you don't ACTUALLY believe it) the manifestation has cancelled itself out. 

 I’ll show you how to re-write a mantra that your unconscious wont reject. It’s truly a language shift! 
My clients call me a hack queen because I always find shorter and easier ways to get what I want. This is one of them!

Writing mantras is something I had to get excellent at through learning Rapid Resolution Therapy because you have to learn how to say things in a way the unconscious mind won't reject.

Remember when we used to put CDs in that were too scratched or dirty... they'd get pushed back out? (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just consider yourself lucky, lol.)

That's our unconscious mind with most mantras. Join me in this masterclass where I'll teach you how to write them so they slide right in and create musicccc.


I'm enough…

I'm worthy…

I deserve…

I'm good…

Mantras don't work for most people because we have installed moralistic programming from childhood.

“Be a good girl, and you'll get good things.”
But we know that's bullshit.

Bad things happen to good people. 

Most of us don't even believe that we're all that good, worthy, or deserving. (And we don't NEED to be because goodness, worthiness, and deservingness are useless constructs that create barriers between us and the life we want.)

Let me show you how to write mantras that are useful in causing energy in the body.

Why do we care about causing energy in the body?

Because energy causes new behaviors, actions, and patterns.

I should sell this masterclass training for $1,000 based on the value this will create in your life.

But you get access to the recording for just $155... which is a steal!

Here's what people are saying about their experience in the masterclass...

Due to the nature of this course being delivered in its entirety for everyone to save to your podcast app and the incredibly low price, I am not offering refunds. Having said that, I'm insanely proud of this program and know it's going to be such a powerful tool to have in your pocket as you scale the vision for your business. Please add to your contacts to ensure your welcome email doesn't go to spam.

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $299! 

Stay on the edge of growth and handle the inner shit like a boss!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xMantras Top Secret Offer$38

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