Channel + brand your million-dollar program library that turns you on and gives you more freedom than ever before.

Andrea here... 

Dec 2021, I made myself this promise. “RUN! Run towards everything that lit my soul on fire. Get lighter and lighter and create more ease, passion, and vibrancy than ever before. Have more FUN than ever before. And let myself be SUPPORTED more than ever before.” 

I sealed it with a pinky promise to myself and my best friend. We anchored it with a bottle of $600 Femme Champagne. It was a moment I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

I said it.
I meant it.
I did it.

Along with passion, fun, and creativity . . . I wrote down a few metrics I wanted to track and see grow.

(1) Impact on programs.

(2) Residual income to ensure my growing team was always supported.

(3) Investments to ensure my future self & children are cared for, as I stepped away from a 20-year relationship and a lot of security.

After a couple of of years of healing and doing as much as possible in my business…I started the year with less than $10,000 in residual income.

In 2022, I have created consistent: 

✓ High multiple 5 and 6-figure cash months 
✓ $50-$60,000 in recurring income 
✓ Some months doing multiple 6 figures in total sales (and growing). WHAT!

Default payments to the UNRULE/Y Entrepreneur are far below the industry standard.

And when someone defaults, our community reaches out right away because people WANT to be in good standing with a brand that exists FOR THEM at the level we do.

The programs are priced for profit so the brand can grow and take care of the people who run it, but we have wildly accessible payment plans and offers that go from $33 to more than $70,000.

Here's what I didn't do:

I didn’t start the year asking,

“How can I make more money and increase these numbers?”

I started with: — Where am I inspired? — What does my current audience need? — What am I turned on by? — How can I do this differently?

If you walk away from this page and never talk to me again…I hope you take those questions with you.

I also...

Surrounded myself with people who GOT IT and knew how to help me translate it in a fresh way the world had never seen before.

When I shared the concept of this program with a client she said,

“It’s almost like you are channeling the soul of the offer, and Dajon gives it a body to walk the earth.”

YES! Walk the earth and transform people's lives!

Which is why I’m actually collabing with my BRILLIANT brand artist, Dajon Love to show you EXACTLY how I channel the offers and how she packages them in a way that turns us the FUCK ON. And by proxy…our audience, too.

We’ve had over 742 offer sign-ups in 2022, to date, with NO paid advertising. NO burnout. So turned ON! WHAT!

What would change for you if you had 7-fucking-hundred or more enrollments in 3/4 of a year?
There’s no “efforting.” We don’t sit around trying to think of the highest covering topic and trendy branding.

We wait for the muse to strike and we dance with that bitch.

Dajon gives her a killer outfit, and we let her out into the world to do her thing.

We obsess with the numbers AFTER the fact. We don’t make decisions with them. We simply douse them in appreciation and do more of what works and turns us the fuck on.

Andrea, what do you mean by “muse” and “channel” your offer?

Let me ask you this...

Have you ever "been with" a partner, and they just aren't paying attention to your non-verbal cues?

You're trying to communicate what you want, how you like it, how to make this thang happen in a mind-blowing, eyes rolling in the back of your head, orgasmic way, and they just...




You can see it in their eyes...

They are trying to go through the bullet point list of what they "THINK" should work instead of:

— Getting hella present

— Feeling into the situation

— Using all their senses

— and PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU telling them EXACTLY what you want

That's your offer right now.

It's sexually frustrated because you're not paying attention to its non-verbal cues. 

It's trying to tell you how to:



And serve

the transformation that's going to drive your audience wild with anticipation to feel the way that you feel all the time.

To know what you know all the time.

To live and embody the thang you have figured out -- and are dying to show them.

Because at the end of the day, you're selling a

And feelings are caused by using ALL our senses, verbal and non-verbal.

Checklists don't belong in the bedroom or the "bored" room when you're trying to channel something the world has never seen or felt before.

So close your eyes... 
Tune into your body.
Let your offer turn you on.
Your audience will feel it, too.

If it feels likes...

Sitting at your computer, fingers hovered over the keys, eyes squeezed shut, forcing the mind to pull the answer out of the air --

What do I say?

What do they want?

What will get me to the next income level?

If you are trying to...

Start with logic.

Start with systems.

Start with pressure.

Start with the goal, the deadline, and the metric to make the offer.

Research what others are doing/charging/showing.

Zooming in and focusing on the details.

But you really want it to feel like...

The offer does the speaking.

How have I changed my life with this?

How can I scale this and change others' lives with it?

If it's not a "holy mother fuck yes, THIS!"
It's out.

Most people are starting with masculine structured energy and that’s not where you’ll find that intuitive edge your looking for.

This is like two programs in one.

I’ll teach “The Muse”. How to channel the offer, pricing, and how to sell it in a way that will turn you the FUCK ON.

Dajon will teach, “Aesthetic.” How to channel the package you deliver this bitch to the world in. Also in a way that will turn you the FUCK ON and make people WANT to pay attention as you drip information on them.

"Loved it so much! It's so clear to me now how to navigate my business, make it scalable and
sustainable, and do it my way."

- Jessica -

In this three-week pre-recorded collab container,
you get access to two powerful programs.


Andrea will take you into the experience of channeling your offer and how you create, sell, and serve your offer.

+ Bonus Masterclass: Selling is Like For(e)Play

+ Bonus download: Clearing the fear of judgment, setting boundaries or being seen so you can SHOW UP and SHOW OFF you're most liberated content YET

Dajon will guide you through the creative process of bringing the offer to life, so you can translate it from 5D (thought) to 3D (a thang).

We will also learn how to do fun and easy photoshoots that capture the essence of your offer and make selling it SO F-ING FUN.

We will deconstruct some of Andrea's hit program art so you can see how to create your own or communicate with a designer what you really want with ease.

You will also learn how to create magnetizing photos with nothing but your iPhone. Dajon will share simple lighting and editing tips that help you have fun capturing imagery for your offers.

Everything you need
to channel + brand your million-dollar program library.


Even if you don’t have a team! Dajon is going to make sure EVERYONE is equipped with the skills to give yourself the best aesthetic orgasm of your life. (Did I just hear you exhale? Yeah I did.)

Love It or Leave It Policy

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the Course. We offer a 72-hour 'Love It or Leave It' refund period for purchases of Courses. To activate a return send notes from the content you consumed and a description of why this program isn't working for you to

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $111! 

Talk to your unconscious mind in such a way that it feels second nature to do exactly what would be helpful, possible, and amazing to have done!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1999.00)$1999.00
  • Preferred option
    5 Month Subscription ($435.00/mnth)5x $435.00
  • Preferred option
    6 Month Subscription ($383.00/mnth)6x $383.00
  • Preferred option
    BiWeekly Subscription ($153.00/2 wks for 16 pymts)16x $153.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Muse + Aesthetic$0

All prices in USD